A respected and dedicated champion of the field, Minnesota Center for Book Arts is the largest and most comprehensive center of its kind. We celebrate the book as a dynamic contemporary art form that takes many shapes.

Our mission is to ignite artistic practice, inspire learning, and foster diverse creative communities through the book arts.

We do this by creating access to specialized book arts tools, equipment, and knowledge; supporting interdisciplinary artistic development; expanding opportunities for people who have been historically underrepresented in the field; and presenting exhibitions and educational programs that create connections around the art of the book, promote innovation, and advance the future of the field.

A world in which creative expression through the book arts is accessible to all.

Our work is essential to the care of the human spirit. We believe that creativity is a basic human impulse that should be encouraged and recognized in all its forms, and that creative expression is core to a full and free existence. Through embodied, hands-on artmaking in collaboration with community, we cultivate deep connections with ourselves and others. We’re here because we believe in your creative potential.

MCBA engages a continuum of creators, learners, and admirers through high-quality programs that celebrate a diversity of artistic perspectives and voices. We advance the book arts field by inviting innovation, caring for traditions, educating new enthusiasts, inspiring creative expression, honoring artistic excellence, and empowering broad public access to this dynamic art form. From the traditional crafts of papermaking, letterpress printing, and bookbinding to new methods of art-making and communication, MCBA supports the limitless creative development of book arts.

About the Book Arts Mentorship

The Book Arts Mentorship is an artist development program aimed at introducing book arts to early career artists whose primary medium is in another discipline. There are many reasons to explore book arts as a new artistic medium. As a highly malleable and versatile form of expression, book arts extend the possibilities of other art forms. You can create a conceptual space. Experiment with sequence and visual or verbal narrative. Use book art forms to extend, explore, document or reexamine work produced in other artistic disciplines.

Since 1985, the Jerome Foundation has helped artists push the boundaries of contemporary book arts by supporting the creation of new work. Book arts projects funded by 16 series of Fellowships (now known as Jerome Residency) and four prior series of Mentorships range from exquisitely crafted fine press volumes and sculptural books to documented performances and one-of-a-kind installations that “break the bindings” and redefine conventional notions of book form. 

Award and Eligibility

Three jurors representing diverse perspectives and practices will review all applications and select three mentorship recipients. Artists selected for the Book Arts Mentorship will receive:

  • $2,000 award for the purchase of materials and to supplement other project costs (subject to state and federal income tax guidelines)
  • Basic book arts training at MCBA through required workshops and trainings in letterpress, binding, and papermaking
  • An educational stipend of $1,400 to be used for required workshops and trainings as well as  additional workshops or private tutorials to gain skills to complete the project
  • 24/7 access to MCBA’s bookbinding, printing, and papermaking studios for 10 months 
  • The ability to receive mentorship support from MCBA staff through project meetings
  • One-year membership to MCBA (allowing for additional discounts for art supply purchases in MCBA’s retail store, The Shop)
  • One field trip to a local collection and one to a local book artist’s studio
  • Recognition through a culminating public exhibition in MCBA’s main gallery.

Artists in the following disciplines are encouraged to apply:

  • Literary arts (poetry, spoken word, fiction, creative nonfiction)
  • Visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, mixed media, new media)
  • Music (composing)
  • Film / video (filmmakers, animation)
  • Theater (playwriting)
  • Dance (choreography)

This is not an exhaustive list of creative disciplines eligible. Other creative generators are welcomed and encouraged to apply. 

The Jerome Foundation does not support musicians, actors, dancers, journalists, designers, architects. The focus of the Jerome Foundation’s support is for creators (generators) of new work versus the interpreters/performers of artistic work. In Film and Video, the director is the generative artist, therefore directors in Film and Video are supported but not in theater or music.

Applications must be submitted by early career artists. An early career artist is generally defined as an artist who shows significant potential, yet has not received a commensurate amount of professional recognition regardless of age or recognition in other fields. MCBA and the Jerome Foundation reserve the right to review and determine any applicant status as “early career” or “established”. Read more about how the Jerome Foundation defines, “early career” here

Minnesota Center for Book Arts provides equal opportunities to all applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants who do not meet all of the following criteria will not be considered..

● Artists who are at early stages in their careers

●Applicant must have maintained MN residency for at least one year prior to application deadline (August 2023). Please upload a copy of one of the following: MN driver’s license (or MN identification card); a utility bill in applicant’s name; lease; tribal ID; or other supporting documents. If using a utility bill or lease, a copy must be dated from the beginning of the residency requirement (August 2023)

● Artists must reside in the state until the end of the 12-month Fellowship period.

● Artists must be able to provide evidence that they are an early career artist. Resume/CV will demonstrate limited, but promising exhibition exposure and no more than a few grants or fellowships in direct support of their work.

● Artists must be willing to participate in all events scheduled for the Jerome Book Arts Mentorship including meetings, critiques, field trips, workshops, exhibition installation and related activities.

● Artists must comply with all MCBA studio rules and regulations, including proper maintenance and equipment use.

● Artists applying as a collaborative team must make sure each artist involved meets the eligibility requirements.

● Artists who have received the MCBA/Jerome Book Arts Fellowship/ Residency are not eligible.

● Artists who are mid-career, beyond early career status: artists who have been substantially celebrated within their field, the media, funding circles, or the public at large are not eligible for this program. Artists who have received a McKnight Fellowship, are tenure track faculty, or another award for established or mid-career artists not eligible for this program.

● Students who are or will be at the time of the application and during the grant period enrolled in a degree-granting program either full or part-time (including K-12, graduate or postgraduate studies) are not eligible for this program.

● MCBA Staff and Board and Jerome Foundation Staff and Board are not eligible.


Include the following required documents as four separate file uploads: 

-Letter of Intent explaining how the Jerome Mentorship at Minnesota Center for Book Arts will benefit your artistic development (no more than 500 words).

-Artist Statement should articulate past themes in your work, creative methods, and directions for future work (no more than 500 words).

-CV or Artist Resume, including exhibition history. (If applying as a collaborative, please upload a combined document with each artist's CV or Artist Resume, label artist A & B) 2 page maximum per artist.


You may upload up to ten (10) samples of your work. Samples should accurately reflect your current work. 

Each file must be under 5MB in size. 

Please name and upload each file in the order you wish them to be viewed (for example, 01.jpg, 02.jpg, etc.).

Label each artwork: Image_1_Titleofartwork (Example: Image_1_Waterfall.jpg, Image_2_Moon.jpg)

If desired, video or audio files may be substituted in place of images. Video or audio files cannot exceed a total of 10 minutes. 

A maximum of ten (10) work samples may be submitted, regardless of if they are image files, audio/video links, or a combination of both.


Please contact Director of Exhibitions and Artist Programs for questions and assistance

Anika Schneider



Artist Collective Membership

Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) is a nonprofit visual arts center dedicated to igniting artistic practice, inspiring learning, and fostering diverse creative communities through the book arts. MCBA is committed to fostering a creative community of book artists and appreciators. We lead the field by promoting innovation, sustaining traditions, educating new enthusiasts, inspiring creative expression, and honoring artistic excellence. 

MCBA provides critical studio access through its Artist Collective, comprised of dedicated artists working in papermaking, paper marbling, letterpress printing, screen printing, bookbinding, and related arts. Artists must have sufficient training to work independently and safely in the studio areas they wish to utilize. Through this program, members have access to clean and well-maintained artist studios, rare equipment, exhibition opportunities, and participation in an eclectic community of fellow artists

· 24-hour access to the MCBA studios and library

· Preferred press access on Open Studio nights

· On-site storage: one shelf and one locker

· The opportunity to show work in the annual Artist Collective exhibition in MCBA’s Main Gallery

· The opportunity to participate in Art-Share sessions with MCBA staff and Artist Collective members

· 70/30 consignment-split on accepted work in The Shop at MCBA

· 50% discount on MCBA workshops (by registering two weeks in advance of a workshop’s start date; Artist Collective members still pay full supply fee)

Artist Collective Monthly Membership Rates 

LONG TERM MEMBERSHIP: Require a minimum six month commitment at a rate of $165 per month. Membership dues are to be paid by the fifth day of each month. After the initial six month membership, artists may maintain their membership on a month-to-month basis. 

SHORT TERM MEMBERSHIP: Short-term membership requires three to five month commitment at a rate of $195 per month. A limited number of short-term memberships are available based on studio capacity. Members cannot defer during short term membership.

ARTIST COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP FOR BIPOC PARTICIPANTS: MCBA is offering a reduced rate to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) participants to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. Both short and long term membership rates are $115 per month for long term (6+ months) and $145 for short term membership (3-5 months). 

ARTIST COLLECTIVE FELLOWSHIPS: The Artist Collective Fellowship offers studio space and membership in MCBA’s Artist Collective for one year in exchange for providing support and helping to maintain the studios during MCBA’s Studio Lab. Studio Lab provides artists with regular, low-cost access to our studios and equipment outside of workshops and classes. Selected fellows will work 12-15 hours per month. In exchange, Fellows receive 24/7 studio access, a shelf and a locker, and the opportunity to show work in the Artist Collective exhibition. 

COLLEGE STUDENT AND RECENT GRADUATE MEMBERSHIP: To foster the future of the field, MCBA offers a discounted rate on Artist Collective membership for degree-seeking college students and recent graduates of university programs. Membership rate is $115 per month for degree-seeking students and recent graduates for up to five years after graduation date. 

MCBA INTERNSHIP DISCOUNT: MCBA interns are offered a monthly rate of $115 on Artist Collective membership for up to one year after completion of internship. 

MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PAYMENTS: Artist Collective member dues are owed by the fifth of each month. Late payments will assess a $25.00 fee after the sixth of the month. Artists can pay their monthly membership fee by keeping a credit card on file or by mailing a check each month.

*If artists do not remove their items from storage after their membership is complete, they will be subject to a $50 fine.

Contact MCBA's Executive Director with any questions about membership guidelines, fees, or benefits. Anika Schneider: aschneiderl@mnbookarts.org / 612-215-2528

Minnesota Center for Book Arts invites teaching artists to submit proposals for in-studio workshops that focus on process, connection, and creativity. We're interested in participatory half and full day workshops in book arts and related mediums on Thursday evenings and Saturdays.

Scheduling is ongoing with a deadline for November 2024 - January 2025 proposals on August 12, 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!

Questions and ideas can be directed to Anna Bredeson (abredeson@mnbookarts.org) before submitting a proposal for workshops.

We value a culture of equity and inclusion and encourage individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts invites teaching artists to submit proposals for live, virtual workshops that focus on process, connection, and creativity. We're interested in participatory single-evening, and multi-evening workshops in book arts and related mediums.

Scheduling is ongoing with a deadline for November 2024 - January 2025 proposals on August 12, 2024 at midnight. We look forward to hearing from you!

Questions and ideas can be directed to Anna Bredeson (abredeson@mnbookarts.org) before submitting a proposal for workshops.

We value a culture of equity and inclusion and encourage individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts